It is that time of year again: time for religious education registration. The form for religious education can be found HERE. Please register ASAP as the slots in atriums are limited and we need numbers to formulate our plan for Ignite.
WE ALSO NEED VOLUNTEERS. There is a volunteer sign-up form here as well. We need small group leaders and assistants in atriums as well as people who would be willing to help serve meals and put on hospitality for our Ignite program. Even if you have not volunteered in the past, please consider helping out with our programs in some capacity this year. If you know someone who you think would like to help out, feel free to pass this on to them.
Offered throughout the week at both St. Lambert and St. Therese.
WEDNESDAY Grades 7-8 (5:15-6:45), Grades 9-12 (7:00-8:30) at St. Therese.