The Eucharist is the most august sacrament, in which Christ himself is contained, offered and received, and by which the Church constantly lives and grows. The Eucharistic sacrifice, the memorial of the death and resurrection of the Lord, in which the sacrifice of the cross is perpetuated over the centuries, is the summit and source of all Christian life and worship; it signifies and effects the unity of the people of God and achieves the building up of the Body of Christ.
As children reach the age of reason, generally around age seven, the Church extends to them an invitation to celebrate the sacrament of Eucharist. The initiation into the Christian community that took place at baptism is further extended by inviting children to enter fully into the heart of Christian faith through participation in the Eucharist.
Please call the parish office AT 605.338.2433 to arrange for the reception of this sarament.
Preparations for First Reconciliation begins in the Fall and concludes with our celebration of that Sacrament of Reconciliation in Winter. Preparations for First Holy Communion then begin following that celebration. Children who have been baptized, are in the 2nd grade, and desiring to recieve the Sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time, must complete their First Reconciliation prior to preparations for First Holy Communion. If you have questions about how this may work for your child or if you are getting a late start, please contact the parish office (338.2433).